Art, life


"Seedling" 18x14, oil on canvas To say that the pandemic lockdown has been hard on me would be laughable. I know that a lot of my art community made jokes about being easily able to isolate, only to find out later that they went out more than they had supposed pre-pandemic. They didn't think about… Continue reading Emerging

Art, Holidays, life, Personal, pets, serious


I recently wrote an update to some friends, and I realized I hadn't written here in a while. Again. I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm really not. Life took it upon itself to really kick the crap out of me this year so far, and to say I'm doing well would be an… Continue reading Heartbreak

Art, Chocolate, Fitness, General, Health, Personal, Weight Loss

Chocolate, Art and Life (Who Am I?)

Traditionally when you start up a blog, introductions are in order. Back in the day, I was a 20-something, then a 30-something blogger, and now I'm 44. I'm over the "something" part, I'm 44. I feel like "something" added some sort of hidden dread of getting older. As if that would somehow stave it all… Continue reading Chocolate, Art and Life (Who Am I?)